Waxed Kromski Minstrel spinning wheel

Fully assembled, wax polished, set up and tested by FibreHut Dave...

This beautiful Kromski spinning wheel is now ready for collection by its proud new owner.

The customer chose the FibreHut Custom Waxed option in which we apply a good coat of clear wax polish which will protect the wheel from everyday scuffs and fingermarks and enhance the lovely natural wood grain in the wood. This service is available on most untreated wood items such as wheels, looms, niddy noddys, lazy kates, bobbins, some hand carders and more. Top tip: It is best to apply the wax before assembly, especially if there are lots of intricate turned details in the design. 

We also assembled this item, applying beeswax to screw threads, treadle pivot points and the corkscrew style flyer adjuster, plus applying a water based oil to aid smooth running. Finally a bobbin leader was tied on and the wheel tested ready for collection. We hope the new owner will enjoy this wheel for many years to come!

Kromski Minstrel - custom waxed

Kromski Prelude - custom waxed

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